About Us

Founded in 2024, indiaminus.com has swiftly emerged as a prominent Hindi news platform, gaining popularity and maintaining its esteemed reputation among readers despite limited resources. Our commitment is to deliver truthful and honest news, ensuring that our audience stays well-informed about the latest happenings around the world.

indiaminus.com is a dedicated news portal providing unbiased journalism for the general public, traders, students, employees, and all other segments of society. We offer a platform where individuals can voice their concerns, which our editorial team reviews and publishes.

We welcome all perspectives on any topic and uphold the integrity of our portal. We do not have a specific policy for publishing news and articles; the content we share is socially relevant and available to the public. We encourage you to present your viewpoints in any manner on indiaminus.com.

Our Story

When we established indiaminus.com, we had a clear vision: to present news differently, with accuracy and clarity, surpassing other news portals. Our goal is to ensure the information we deliver satisfies our readers entirely. Despite our best efforts, errors may occur occasionally, but we strive to provide accurate and well-presented information.

On our portal, you will find information on various topics, including:

  • Entertainment
  • Technology
  • Finance
  • Sports
  • Automobiles
  • Government Schemes

Our Team

The individuals working on our portal are integral to indiaminus.com. We consider them part of our family because they are passionate about publishing accurate and precise information for our readers. As we expand our team, we invite you to join us by emailing us at indiaminus1@gmail.com.

If you find any inaccuracies in the news, photos, or videos published on our portal, please email us at indiaminus1@gmail.com with the story link mentioned. We will review and update the images or videos promptly.

Our Key Team Members:

  • Anand (Editor in Chief)
  • Reema (Reporter)
  • Vikram (Reporter)
  • Rohan (Reporter)
  • Ajay (Reporter)
  • Amisha Sharma (Story Creator)

Thank you for being part of the indiaminus.com community, where truth and integrity guide our journalism.